Una Vacanza Favolosa
Eccomi qui.. Scrivo la recensione a malincuore perché tra un ora dovrò lasciare questo bellissimo appartamento, questa bellissima isola. Siamo stati con la mia famiglia una settimana.. Non ci è mancato assolutamente nulla, Mimmo è una grande persona, con l'unico obiettivo di far stare benissimo gli ospiti.. E tra le belle chiacchierate fatte e il vinello ci è riuscito benissimo. La casa dispone di un bellissimo terrazzo.. Che ti lascia senza parole per la vista che ti regala. Consiglio assolutamente questo posto soprattutto per la tranquillità che ti dona.Tra l altro ho portato con me il mio piccolo chihuahua che ha gradito moltissimo anche lui l appartamento molto spazioso tutto assolutamente perfetto...Peccato però che le cose belle durano poco... Ma.. Spero di ritornarci prestissimo. Un abbraccio grande a Domenico.
Valentina da Nettuno soggionato settembre 2018

Dettagli che fanno la differenza!!!
Location favolosa con bellissima vista e terrazzatissimo, accoglienza unica, accompagnata da un vinello frizzante ottimo per gli aperitivi. La casa molto pulita e curata nei minimi dettagli, dallo spremi agrumi alla macchinetta per il caffè (che non può mancare). Appena possibile ci torneremo!!!
Marco Valerio da Roma Agosto 2018

Davvero una Favola!!!!
Il soggiorno a Villa la Favola è stato davvero un sogno! L'accoglienza del proprietario Domenico, che ci ha accolto con il suo vino straordinario, ci ha messo subito a nostro agio, in una casa dove non mancava davvero nulla! Nota di merito per la terrazza, goduta fino all'ultimo minuto e all'ultimo centimetro, con una vista su procida "da favola"! Casa fantastica e spaziosa, dove noi con 2 famiglie e 4 bambini, siamo stati davvero benissimo! La consigliamo di cuore a tutti e non mancheremo di pubblicizzare la casa e il proprietario a chiunque ci chiedesse info sul posto! Un bacio dalle pesti a Domenico, sei il n.1!
Simona B. Marche soggiornato agosto 2018

Vacanza 2018
La casa molto accogliente completa di tutto ordinata e pulita ideale per sentirsi a proprio agio per non parlare della terrazza panoramica sul castello aragonese mozzafiato grazie anche al sig Mimmo che ci ha ospitati gentilissimo e disponibile ad ogni esigenza
Barbara Gardoni Brescia soggiornato agosto 2018

Un posto da Favola....
Abbiamo soggiornato nell’appartamento La Favola (5 posti letto) con la mia famiglia per un weekend di Luglio. Certamente il punto di forza è la terrazza con vista panoramica sul Golfo di Napoli sulla quale abbiamo potuto godere l’alba durante la colazione.
La casa è fornita di tutto il necessario: essendo stati soltanto pochi giorni, non abbiamo usufruito molto della cucina, ma sembrava davvero non mancare nulla.
Spazi ben puliti e ordinati.
La casa si trova in una zona alta dell’isola nel comune di barano d’Ischia e ci si può spostare con il trasporto pubblico per arrivare alle principali mete turistiche, se non si ha la possibilità di affittare auto o motorino.
Il proprietario, il sig. Domenico, è stato davvero accogliente, discreto e gentile: sempre a disposizione nel consigliarci ristoranti e località.
Speriamo di poter ritornare alla Favola anche per un periodo piĂą lungo.
Linda B. da Roma soggiornato luglio 2018

Una Vacanza da Favola.....
Abbiamo trascorso ad Ischia le ultime due settimane di giugno e sono state per noi delle giornate intense e bellissime. Siamo riusciti a visitare tutta l’isola e non solo! Tutto questo grazie anche al posto in cui abbiamo alloggiato …. Proprio una “Favola”!! Che dire, nell’appartamento non manca nulla: una zona giorno molto ampia, un bagno con doccia comodissimo, una camera matrimoniale molto spaziosa e dulcis in fundo un bellissimo terrazzo dove gustare ottime colazioni e trascorrere delle serate romantiche guardando dall’alto lo spettacolo meraviglioso del castello Aragonese circondato dal golfo di Napoli. Il posto è strategico, si trova in collina dove ogni sera ci siamo potuti godere un po’ di aria fresca al rientro dalla spiaggia. Il supermercato e la fermata dell’autobus sono molto vicini, così come la bella spiaggia dei Maronti (solo 10 minuti di auto) e il porto di Ischia. Quello che ci rimarrà nel cuore sono il sole, il mare, i bellissimi posti da scovare e vivere e l’ottima cucina ischitana. Non dovete perdervi una cena a pochi passi dall’appartamento in un posticino che Domenico vi consiglierà sicuramente. La nostra vacanza è stata piena di sapori e profumi, arricchiti dall’accoglienza e dalla generosità di Domenico, che ci ha fatto sentire a casa. Grazie Mimmo per le belle chiacchierate e le parole con le quali ci hai trasmesso l’amore per questa fantastica isola.
Michele G. soggiornato giugno 2018

fantastischer Ausblick
Berlin, Germany
fantastischer Ausblick
Left on May 7, 2018 for a stay in Apr 2018
Sehr schöne Ferienwohnung mit riesiger Terrasse mit fantastischem Ausblick über den Golf von Neapel. Wir hatten einen Mietwagen und konnten damit bei unserem 14-tägigen Aufenthalt die gesamte Insel erkunden. Supermakt; Bauhaltestelle und tolle Restaurants fußläufig. Internet ca. 3Mbit und deutsches Fernsehen vorhanden. Das Haus liegt am Berghang des Epomeo im Dorf Faiano mit überwiegend einheimschen Bewohnern. Der Vermieter Mimo spricht sehr gut deutsch. Alles in allem ein toller Urlaub in der Vorsaison. ! Auf die Tipps auf den Internetseiten von LaFavola achten !.

Canadien visiting Ischia

Caro Domenico (Mimmo)

Just to let you know that we enjoyed our stay at your Villa. What an awesome view from the terrace!!!! I would also like to emphasize the view from the big windows off the kitchen. It was very agreeable to spend time on the terrace having breakfast, lunch or just there to rest. Thank you for your warm welcome and information of the island. Your farewell was also appreciated on our departure .

The place was clean and spacious. I would like to mention one thing in particular that may annoy some people. This is not to criticize but to ameliorate. THE NOISE in the bedrooms in the front. I would suggest, if you can, to invest on special doors that are sound proof for the front windows. We were in Naples for the last days of our stay and special windows were installed to block the noise from the traffic, it really works ....I think it would be worth to look into this option.

Thank you again for everything... Regards to you and your family

Maria Fratino

La Favola from 15-03-16 to 22-03-16
Mr. Patrick Groom from Germany, My stay at La Favola in March 2016.
Domenico Buono is a host who makes you feel welcome and at home from the first minute! Trust his recommendations when it comes to dining out in Fiaiano, you will make some pleasant discoveries. He also supplied us with produce from his own orchard which was very tasty. The apartment is very spacious, spotlessly clean and well equipped. The view from the terrace is even better than on the pictures. A minor drawback is the road that can be busy at times but this is balanced by the very convenient bus stop almost at the doorstep that comes with it. A supermarket is in easy walking distance and some hiking trails can be accessed from the village. All in all, we would love to come back to Ischia and to La Favola!

Graciela Iacobelli ARGENTINA 12-01-2016
Excelente atención de los dueńos. Nos sentimos como en casa. El apartamento es muy amplio y tiene todo lo que uno necesita.
El único detalle a tener en cuenta es que se complica encontrar lugar para estacionar; pero ello se resuelve con los 2 aparcamientos próximos.

Ivano Parise Cisterna di Latina 06-01-2016
La casa e confortevole e comoda per non parlare della vista che si puň godere dalla terrazza. Il Sig. Domenico e una persona splendida che ti accoglie con grande amicizia. Davvero consigliata. Ci tornerň sicuramente.

RENZETTI DANTE da Roma 30-08-2015
non amo fare le recenzione..in quanto il mio parere č strettamente personale, e tengo molto al mio particolare modo di pensare. Scelgo sempre in base alla tranquillitŕ e non mi interessa vivere nella confusione..amo la pulizia..la cortesia...ed i rapporti umani..ecco di tutto questo devo ringraziare Mimmo..ottimo padrone di casa...il resto...bastava affacciarsi la mattina e fare colazione sulla terrazza o godersi il golfo di napoli di sera...nella vita non si puň chiedere di piů...

La Favola Suite Ischia ELISABETH France 23-07-2015
L'emplacement geographique , sur une colline avec une vue epoustouflante surement la plus belle de l'ile.l' appartement grand et tres confortable avec une grande terrasse tres bien equipee. Elisabeth, (FR)

Sergei,Valentina e Denis UKRAINA 20-06-2015
Когда мы решились провести неделю отпуска в конце октября на острове Искья, шансы оказаться разочарованными погодой, морем и солнцем казались существенными. Однако в результате такого решения мы остались только благодарны друзьям, посоветовавшим именно La Favola и её гостеприимных хозяев - Доменика и Анжелику. Доменик был всегда на связи, оказывал всемерную поддержку во всех непредвиденных потребностях, которые мы с маленьким ребенком могли только попросить у радушного и суетливого хозяина. Жилье весьма просторное и здесь есть все, то необходимо, чтобы чувствовать себя, как дома. Это касается и кухонных мелочей, и мебели, и комфорта цивилизации (интернет, ТВ, спутник), и качественного сна, и потребностей личной гигиены и т.п. Все это важно для комфорта, но ведь не менее важно то, что к нему прилагается: вид от веранды дома на неаполитанский залив заставит вас просыпаться несколько раз раньше рассвета, чтобы увидеть залив и в туманной дымке и в розовых, а затем в золотистых солнечных лучах морскую гладь, разбиваемую скалистыми берегами острова Искья. Вы легко проведете здесь неделю без желания покинуть остров! Доминик помог с арендой авто с отличной скидкой, угостил вином собственного приготовления, сделал подарки родителям (нам) и ребенку. Мы надеемся еще не раз воспользоваться его гостеприимством, и, конечно, порекомендуем его своим друзьям. Забыл сказать, что в 7 минутах хотьбы от дома есть прекрасная детская площадка Indiana Park. Оттуда вам будет сложно вытащить своего ребенка :)
Sergei,Valentina e Denis UKRAINA

La Favola
Il panorama che si puň ammirare dal terrazzo č fantastico! I proprietari sono estremamente gentili! Marco Italia

Gaia Italia 15-05-2015
Ho soggiornato presso La Favola con il mio fidanzato durante il "ponte" del 25 aprile. La casa č molto carina e arredata con gusto e semplicitŕ: completa di tutti i comfort: asciugacapelli (fondamentale, avevo dimenticato il mio!), internet wifi, televisore digitale ecc. A mio avviso punto di forza del soggiorno č stata sicuramente la splendida vista sul mare che si gode dal terrazzo, con possibilitŕ di prendere il sole (o guardare le stelle!) stesi sui lettini. Domenico, il proprietario della casa, č una persona gentilissima e disponibile, attento e presente in caso di necessitŕ. In futuro soggiornerň di nuovo in questa casa con grande piacere.
Gaia Italia

Mercedes Molias spagna 20-08-2015 “Acogedora y preciosas vistas de Ischia.”
“Acogedora y preciosas vistas de Ischia.”
La Favola es un alojamiento acogedor e ideal para visitar los rincones y pueblos preciosos de la isla.
Estuvimos un grupo de amigos muy a gusto disfrutando de las cenas nocturnas en la amplia terraza que da al mar y la montańa.
Por el día visitamos las termas al aire libre , las calas preciosas, las playas, los acantilados y el ambiente de Ischia,e hicimos excursiones por la isla.
Doménico muy amable nos dio toda información necesaria y nos indico que había una fiesta de la Melansana en el polideportivo cerca de su casa, fuimos por la noche a la fiesta y nos encantó, comimos una salchicha con melansana y queso, una bebida y buńuelos de postre.
Hubo varias actuaciones y la última era un cantante superfamoso que cantaba canciones y melodías preciosas, estubimos todos del grupo bailando sin parar como hacemos cuando vamos a las fiestas de nuestro país, disfrutamos mucho y nos grabaron para el vídeo de la fiesta.
Cuando volvimos del viaje nos encontramos con la sorpresa,Doménico nos había enviado el vídeo en el que salimos el grupo bailando en la fiesta.
Gracias Doménico por tu amabilidad y hospitalidad, estaremos encantados de volver a tu acogedora casa y recomendarla a nuestros amigos. !Muchas gracias!.
Mercedes Molias spagna 20-08-2015

Ischia Holiday Holly USA 30-07-2015
La Favola was a great fit for our two families to stay for 5 days (4 adults, 4 kids). We wanted someplace with the right layout for us to hang out, cook and eat together. And the view was fantastic! We could see the town below and the castle, and Mt. Vesuvius in the distance. Wonderful sunrises, too. The villa had 3 private bedrooms that sleep 5, with daybeds and trundles for 4 more. The place was very clean and beautifully maintained. The kitchen was well stocked. Look off the kitchen for the door to the extra bathroom and washing machine. We discovered this belatedly. :-) Staying in Fiaiano gave us taste of authentic Italy. Shopping in the local supermarket was great fun, and the food delicious. There were also nearby parks and an organic farm to visit. Sometimes we took the local bus to explore the island, and sometimes a taxi. We also walked down to town one day. It looks much farther away than it is. Domenico was very kind, attentive and helpful. He shared with us his love of the Island and helped us out when we needed. He and his wife also gave us a cooking lesson, showing us how to make the island's local delicacy (rabbit), tiramisu (amazingly good) and authentic tomato sauce. It was delicious! We had a wonderful stay!
Holly Cymet
Maryland USA

La Favola Ischia
Завораживающий вид! Очень комфортные апартаменты, домашняя обстановка. Хозяин сам предложил более просторные апартаменты за те же деньги. Спасибо, Доменико! Рядом очень хороший супермаркет - 200м. Tatiana_Selezneva, Москва (RU)

La Favola Ischia
I traveled to Ischia with some friends on our weekend off while studying abroad in Rome and Ischia La Favola was SO incredibly perfect!! The view was incomparable and Domenico was the most helpful host ever. He aided us in every possible way...giving us directions to all the local attractions and recommending the best restaurants and sights to see while on this beautiful island! I would recommend this quaint, adorable place to travelers of all kinds!
Lafayette, Louisiana, United States

Review from Martin Easton UK
What a great Island and villa and owner!
The people are friendly and all the island has a 'village feeling' ( we were worried about being close to Naples and its bad rep!)
The village is out of the main tourist area but has a great supermarket with everything about 10mins away and there is a small bar, takeaway and a great pizza place with views to the sea, all in the village. The apartment is very, very good. Just as the advert, clean,good size rooms, TV and air conditioning- but what makes it ,for us, was the view and being able to sit on the patio and look out to see and the wonderful bay. Dominco was a great host- collected us and was at the end of the phone for any problems- he has a shop in the next village and speaks very good English. Highly recomended- goinf again soon!
email: hm.easton@tiscali.co.uk

Corey Ye " Czech Republic"
Dear Domenico,
Thank you again for making our stay on Ischia during 16-26 July 2010 so pleasant. The apartment is well equipped and not only spacious enough for my girlfriend and the five kids we can muster together, but was also able to accommodate my friend, Chris, and his wife who came over from Naples and spent a couple of nights with us.
We all marvelled at the excellent view from the terrace - Castello Aragonese, Naples Bay and, on a clear day, Vesuvius off in the distance. The weather was extremely hot during our stay. But I think that the location of the apartment, well uphill, allowed us to catch a good afternoon breeze and significantly moderated the heat from the sun.
But maybe the best thing about our stay was how well you took care of us. On the first day you brought us a crate of vegetables from your own garden: tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. They were excellent!
And then, somehow from swimming and getting seawater in my ear, I developed an ear infection. I was very gratified that you didn't even hesitate to drive me straight to the only hospital emergency room on the island that was open on a sunday afternoon. Your assistance in getting me into the facility and explaining my problem to the doctor made all the difference in getting me the antibiotic I needed to clear up the infection, which, as the doctor said, was rapidly worsening.
So your wonderful apartment and your thoughtful care made our stay on Ischia one of the best vacations I have ever had and I definitely plan to recommend you to my friends here in the Czech Republic.
And if you ever make it to Prague, please let me know so that I can return in some measure the great hospitality I received from you.
With warm regards,
Corey Ye

The stunning view meant it was difficult to leave our lovely terrace each day. The apartment had everything we wanted although the single room is really only suitable for a child as it has no window.
Noise at night from traffic and the next door dog was a bit of a bother but the fans in the bedrooms helped cut down the noise.
Being in the centre of the village with neighbours going about their daily business and the proximity of such good eating places and supermarket made it an easy holiday. The friendli ness and help from the owner who speaks fluent English was a great boon. Would we return to La Favola - Oh yes!
Mr. Simon Banting
15, Heath Park Drive
Leighton Buzzard
United Kingdom
email: simon.banting@btconnect.com

Our stay in Ischia
Dear Domenico
I am so sorry that I did not get around to writing a review of our stay at
your wonderful apartment.
As for our stay: Thank you for your wonderful welcome and fabulous
hospitality throughout our stay. The apartment is the best we have ever
stayed in and the views were truely breathtaking. In fact we could never
get enough of just sitting and looking out across the bay at Vesuvius and
the amazing ocean views. Ischia is a beautiful island and so easy to get
around with all the buses. We had a wonderful time and will come back as
often as we can. Our daughter still talks about the tomatoes you gave us
from your garden - they are still the only tomatoes she has ever liked!
Many thanks and best wishes to you and your family.
Nikki Chapman
email: nikkichapman71@blueyonder.co.uk

Unsere Urlaub auf ISCHIA
Hallo Signore Domenico Buono,wieder im Alltag „angekommen“, herzliche Gruesse aus Dresden.
Die Zeit auf der quirligen, wunderschoenen Insel Ischia haben wir bestens in Erinnerung.
Wir sind froh, uns fuer die individuelle Urlaubsgestaltung entschieden und dankbar, Ihre schoene, groessgige Ferienwohnung drei Wochen als Lebensmittelpunkt genutzt zu haben.
Die Vielfalt der moeglichen Tagesziele hat uns ueberrascht und das tolle
Busnetz ermoeglichte es, von der FeWo jedes Inselziel unkompliziert zu erreichen.
Das Leben unter Italienern mit ihrer Freundlichkeit und Aufgeschlossenheit waere bei einem Hotelurlaub nie kennenzulernen und das nahe Alimentari und Supermercadi,die Pizzeria und das Ristorante haben fruehmorgens fuer frische Panini und abends fuer leckeres Dinieren Sorge getragen.
Unvergessen aber wird eines bleiben: Der einzigartige Blick von der grossen Terrasse ueber den gesamten Golf von Napoli !!! Morgens als erstes und abends als letztes: Blick, Blick und nochmals Blick – Urlaubsherz, was willst du mehr…
Mit freundlichen Gruessen aus dem deutschen Herbst und nahen Winter
Brigitte und Rainer Schuetz aus DRESDEN
email: rainer.schuetz@sachsenverlag.de

LA FAVOLA Suite Ischia Island
We had a fantastic holiday and Dominico was very helpful and welcoming. The views from the apartment are stunning and it is easily accessible from the port by bus.
We were disapointed in the standard of fittings and equipment in the apartment. There was not enough cutlery, cups and saucepans in the kitchen. However, apart from this the apartment is well furnished and comfortable. We all enjoyed our holiday tremendously.
The booking system was very simple and efficient.
Peter Howe
2 Littlewood Lane
United Kingdom
NR12 8DZ
email: info@broadlandcyclehire.co.uk

LA FAVOLA Testimonial
La Favola Testimonial
I have travelled from coast to coast and back again many times over the course of the past 20 years. To Asia – Europe – France – India – USA – and back to Canada…With each adventure I find along the way, if providence prevails; a restful peaceful hotel, or a quaint B&B’s, or a picturesque villa or lodge while enjoying the local flavour and cultural experiences.
But it was not until LA FAVOLA, in the small tranquil hamlet of Fiaiano on the island of Ischia off the coast of Naples, Italy that I really found the most wonderful villa of all. My gracious, kind and thoughtful host Domenico Buono made me feel at home by inviting me into his lovely villa. His warm reception and the fabulous accommodations of La Favola made my adventure all that I had hoped for and MORE!
The villa was bright, clean, cosy and wonderfully decorated. It was more than I could have hoped for. The living area was inviting, and the bedroom was warm and peaceful. All the necessary amenities are available; including books and my most favourite… a puzzle! Just a short walk up the local street from this fantastic villa, one finds all that is needed!
The view from the patio was the most spectacular site to behold. In my three months at the villa I spent many hours enjoying the view of Ischia Porto, the Mediterranean Sea, and Mount Vesuvius in the horizon.
During my entire visit, I felt that I was embraced as a friend and had a feeling of ‘presence’ that was consistently enhanced by the kind welcoming attitude of the residents of the local area around La Favola Fiaiano.
My sabbatical turned into a fantastic enchanting experience for myself, my visiting friends and family, and in no small part due to the wonderful friendship of Domenico Buono my wonderful host!
I hope to return soon to La Favola!

Marleen E. Irwin, RRT(C), FHRS
Consultant CardioSys Knowledge Transfer Group Ltd.
Suite 301 9929 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, AB CDN T6E 5J9
Office: (780) 439-1093 VM
Cell: (780) 221-1503
Email: marleenirwin@shaw.ca

To Domenico and Angelica,
Lucille and I wish to thank you for making our stay at your apartment so wonderful. Lucille and I have discussed how lucky we were to have found you, via the internet. We took a chance, and struck gold.
The apartment was all you said it would be, and more. We didn't expect to see the big comfortable bed and such a large bed room. The view from the deck was spectacular, even better than the picture on the web site.
The trattorias and the ristorantes you showed us, just a short walk from the apartment were outstanding. Your help in securing a cell phone and a rental car were very much appreciated.
We were moved by the invitation to your home for Sunday dinner, with your family. Angelica is very charming, and she prepared a delicious (buonissimo) meal. You are very lucky to have two bright and beautiful (bellissime) daughters. Meeting your Papa made me realize how much I miss my own father, since he passed away.
With the possible exception of a couple of taxi drivers, every one we met in Italy made us feel welcome and did their best to help us understand your language and customs.
We left the beautiful "Green Island" of Ischia with tears in our eyes.
Lucille and I will always treasure the many memories of our stay on Ischia.
As we told you, our door is always open to you and your family.
Your good friends
Dick and Lucille Spicer
5440 Downham Meadow
Sarasota, Fl 34235 USA
Ph: 001 941-342-4512
email: dick02@comcast.net

Martin Simmonds UK email:
This is a comfortable appartment, with a good sized terrace, from which the view over the islands and the bay of Naples is absolutely breathtaking. We enjoyed our stay, making good use of the local bus service to get around the island. Buses run until midnight. There are 2 restaurants and a good supermarket within 10 minutes walk from La favola. The owner is very helpful and friendly. The only criticism is that the road through the village is quite busy, and noisy in the evenings, and light sleepers may find this a problem. It wasn't a problem for us, and we had a great time here.

We enjoyed our stay at La Favola immensely. Being situated only 15 minutes by bus to either Ischia Porto or the Maronti beach is perfect. Everything in the apartment was to our satisfaction but we must emphasize the terrasse that makes this place absolutely worth staying at. The view is splendid and the perfect place to relax. The owner, Domenico Buono, is ready to help you in any way and we have a very high opinion of him. We will defnitely recommend the place to friends and family and we will come back another time!
Anita Cordes DK
email: anita_cordes@yahoo.dk

A wonderful place to stay! Domenico (the owner), very kindly gave us the 3 bed apartment, though we'd only paid for the 2 bed, on account of us having a 2 yr old and it being on the ground floor!
So we were spoiled for space in a wonderfully furnished apartment that normally sleeps about 6-8 people. The best thing about the apt was the huge balcony with a fantastic view of the Bay of Naples. We were about 15-20 mins by bus from the main town/harbour, but the bus service was excellent, every 20 mins, and I preferred to stay slightly away from the tourist section right among the Italians themselves. We had everything we needed nearby - a big supermarket, restaurant, bar and even a playground. We spent 1 week in Sorrento and 1 week on Ischia, and the island was by far the better place to stay - beautiful towns , beautiful seas, great food and wine, and very friendly locals!
So thanks again Domenico for everything and perhaps we'll see you again!
Paul Drummond IE
email: drummop@2.ie

Jessica Templeton UK email:
La Favola is a lovely apartment with stunning views. It was very good value for money, and is conveniently located near a gorgeous hiking trail.
email: jessica_templeton@hotmail.com

Speyer am/rhein, den 22.10.2006
Sehr geehrter Herr Buono,
hiermit möchte ich mich nochmals für der schönen Urlaub bei Ihnen bedanken.
Das grosse,geräumige Appartment LA FAVOLA Suite, mit dem herrlichen Blick auf Ischia Ponte, über das Meer bis hin zum Vesuv und die bucht von Neapel, weg vom Massentourismus in Mitten von einheimischem Bewohonern, dass hat uns besonders gefallen.
Vielen Dank uch für Ihre nette Betreuung, die vielen Teps, welche Sie uns gegeben haben.
Die insel hat uns sehr gut gefllen, so wie die schöne Bucht von Maronti.
Wir haben uns wunderbar erholt, da es auf Ischia alle Möglichkeiten gibt einen schönen Urlaub zu verbringen.
Nochmals vielen Dank und Libe Grüsse, auch an Irhe nette Familie.
Ruzena und Christian Lucka
Im Lammsbauch,28
67346 Speyer am/Rhein — Deutchland
Dental-Labor Lucka GmbH
Anton-Dengler-Straße 3 - 67346 Speyer
Telefon: 0049 06232.76071 —- email : info@dental-labor-lucka.de

My stay at VILLA LA FAVOLA Ischia Island from April to july 2007
I was a guest at La Favola for four months this year...from April through July. What an amazing adventure. I thought when I saw the photographs on the La Favola website that it surely couldn't be that beautiful. When I arrived and walked up the steps onto the terrace I found that the view was exactly as it was shown on the website...incredibly beautiful and breathtaking. Each time I stepped on to the terrace, from the day I arrived until the day I left, I shook my head with wonder at the beauty of this little bit of heaven on earth. There is no place like it!

I enjoyed staying at the villa apartment. It is roomy with all of the conveniences needed for a short or long stay. Domenico and Angelica are wonderful people. They are helpful and honest and very accommodating. The area where the villa is located is a small neighborhood where the people are welcoming and friendly. The local market is a fun place where I found everything I needed as well as a smiling greeting each time I walked in the door. There are several restaurants within walking distance where the food is wonderful food and the service is excellent. The Island bus service is convenient and connects to places all over the Island. There is a great deal to do on the Island and I highly recommend the Gardens and the Castello. But once you see the view from the terrace, you may want to spend all of your time there!

Thank you Domenico and Angelica. I hope to return to Ischia and La Favola someday soon. Future guests: ENJOY YOUR STAY!
United States North Carolina
email: bellanonna23@yahoo.com

Villa La Favola testimonial
We first visited Ischia in 2002 and instantly fell in love with this
beautiful island. Since then we visit Ischia many times a year every year.
La Favola is truely a wonderful place to stay when holidaying on Ischia.
The apartment is comfortable, spacious and well equiped.
The jewel in the crown is the large terrace providing a spectacular
panoramic view of the bay of naples.
A supermarket, restaurant, cafe/bar, greengrocer, bus stop, woodland and
children's playground are all close at hand.
Ischia is served by an excellent public bus system throughout the island.
La Favola is special, because it is set apart from the main tourist areas.
It has the comfort and the view. All amenities are nearby. Transport is easy
and the owners of La Favola the Buono family are so welcoming and friendly.
Any little problem is easily resolved and nothing is too much trouble.
La Favola and the Buono family provide all the necessary ingredients to make
for the perfect Italian holiday.
The Evans family
Kent England 16/06/07
email: simon@redskyfilming.com

Villa La Favola
Ginette from London, England
"Very quiet, clean facility. Owner very attentive and helpful. Had all necessary amenities. Beatiful vistas from the patio. Neighbourhood friendly - lots to do in surrounding area. Enjoyed or stay thouroughly Thanks"
Value: Good, Met expectations: Exceeded them, Recommend: Yes, Overall: Excellent
email: gjohnstone@sympatico.ca

Wonderfull Ischia Villa LA FAVOLA
Lovely property with great views across the Bay of Napoli and Vesuvius.
The owner, Domenico Buono, was most helpful on arrival and was available
to answer questions during our stay. A very interesting and beautiful
island. "
Stay at LA FAVOLA from Jannuary 6th to Jannuary 27th 2007.
Mr.Mrs.Gordon and Vivien Spragg from UK
email: g.spragg@blueyonder.co.uk

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